Really good news for Medhi
After years of tension and waiting, not being able to work, being unsure if a boot would come through the door in the early hours, struggling to be settled, coping with mental health issues, not least because of his refugee journey and treatment by authorities, Mehdi is now safe and has been granted refugee status.
JULY 2023
Ruby Jubilee
On 23rd July, it was 40 years to the day since Jim was ordained at Winchmore Hill URC and inducted to ‘Social and Educational Chaplaincy’, the third of five ministers to have been ‘grown’ in this congregation. Jim’s was a pioneering mode of ministry and he explained something of his sense of call and journey in the ministry.
Pastorate Summer Outing
On Saturday, 15th July, the weather was ‘touch and go’ but we, mainly friends from Palmers Green as a number of WH folk were on holiday, went ahead with our short trip to Town Park, then lunch at the Crown and Horseshoes. (Thanks to Estelle and Clem Müller for making arrangements.)
‘Heathrow to Paddington’, on 7th and 8th July by the Compton Players with St Paul’s.
A thoroughly enjoyable evening of arrivals and departures beginning with a comedy of rekindling friendship after several years apart, followed by Agatha Christie’s short play for radio, ‘Butter Served in a Lordly Dish’.
Beavers May Pole Dance on 1st July, postponed from 1st May. A good crowd gathered on The Green in warm sunshine to enjoy the polished performance of Maypole Dancing by the Beavers.
APRIL 2023
Members, ministers and friends of the United Reformed Church gathered in London on 15th April to mark the denomination’s 50th anniversary. Around 1,200 people attended the rail strike-postponed celebrations at Methodist Central Hall Westminster, the same place that English Congregationalists and Presbyterians gathered on 5 October 1972 to vote the URC into being.
Decorations created by members of the URC hung around the hall, as in 1972 a sounding trumpet heralded the beginning of the service, there was a celebration of communion, and artwork from across the denomination was displayed in colourful presentation.
Can you spot our Gillian in the front row of the choir?

Our member Rev Jonathan Hyde was ordained in 1994 at Ponders End URC and has recently retired from serving as a chaplain with the Armed Forces. On 8th January, 2023 a number of us we were delighted to attend his induction as the minister to the Forest Group of churches which is a partnership of St James’ at Buckhurst Hill and Chingford. The service was well-attended and created a very positive atmosphere which, we hope, will be an encouragement to Jonathan and Julie who will support him.
Here, Jonathan was responding to the charge given by Rev Francis Ackroyd. Jonathan is the current last of five ministers who have entered the ministry from WH URC and by going to Chingford he cements a link between our churches: The first person to enter the ministry from Winchmore Hill, Rev Florence Frost-Mee, served with distinction at Chingford (1975-84). Jonathan, we wish you well in your new phase of ministry!
The Beavers’ Nativity began our Christmas celebrations, the ever-popular Carols-by-Candlelight took place midweek to avoid a clash of fixtures with the football cup final on the Sunday before Christmas, and on Christmas Eve we came together at 18.30 with a different format for the service, then on Christmas morning, as usual, at 10.30.
New for us this year and headed up by friends from Restore Community Church who worship in Church on Sunday afternoons, we had a Tree Lighting Festivity on the second Sunday of Advent with charming lights dispersing the darkness over Christmas.
This year it was good to resume the long-standing tradition of worshipping with friends from Winchmore Hill Baptist Church on Good Friday. We went on to join friends from other local churches on The Green for the Walk of Witness. Via Roseneath Avenue, the walk went down Compton Road and along Green Lanes to St Monica’s Church. There we joined the Palmers Green contingent who had walked from the station, like us, to the solemn beating of a drum and following a prominent cross.
At the car park, well over a hundred people took part in a short, moving act of worship. A significant, public testimony to the crucified Christ.
This is one of a number of ways during the year by which we are ‘Churches Together in Palmers Green, Winchmore Hill and Grange Park’.
Thanks to Sue Chambers of St Paul’s for the photographs

It was time for our quarterly, ‘light touch’, church meeting.
The patio has been resurfaced and the deteriorating picket fence removed; a bit of landscaping to be done but what a nice spot!
Careful planning during the week and everyone brought something tasty to the party.
Lets do it again this time next year
Thanks to everyone who contributed over 50 Easter eggs to be distributed to refugees: friends in temporary accommodation, many children, all of whom were delighted to receive a personal, surprise ‘goodie’.
Charlotte wrote, “Big thanks to my loving and generous church – Winchmore Hill United Reformed -for collecting Easter eggs for Care4Calais . The church hosted a ‘stations of the cross’ display which featured refugee stories, and encouraged visitors to donate eggs. We handed out the first batch yesterday in Kilburn and Hendon, and the kids were super excited to receive them. Happy Easter!”

We are delighted to share the news that our member Sarah Smith has been awarded the British Empire Medal.
Winchmore Hill is not easy for Sarah to get to regularly and so she is more likely to be found at St John’s , Clay Hill but we are delighted by the recognition of her work. The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport said, “Sarah started work as a multicultural information librarian in Northamptonshire and subsequently worked in Camden looking at library outreach projects. She then went on to develop expertise in children and young people’s library services which included running the Schools Library Service for Enfield Libraries before moving on to Brent Libraries. Sarah is an inspiring library leader, who has spearheaded a number of significant developments that have had national impact.”
MARCH 2019
URC army chaplains celebrated at service attended by the Queen
We are proud to see a distinguished member in this photograph!
Three United Reformed Church (URC) army chaplains attended a service in the presence of the Queen to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Army Chaplains’ Department’s royal prefix.
Held on 22 February at the Royal Military Chapel, Wellington Barracks, London, the service reflected on the sacrifice and service of chaplains who gave their lives during conflicts, and those who continue to support soldiers on operations today.
Army chaplains the Revd Jonathan Hyde of the Royal School of Military Engineering Regiment, Chatham, the Revd Kevin Jones of the 3 Regiment, Royal Logistics Corps, Abingdon, and the Revd Stuart Turner, Garrison Chaplain at the Defence School of Communications and Information Systems, Blandford, represented the URC with our friend the Rev Craig Bowman, URC Secretary for Ministries.
APRIL 2018
Congratulations to Lisa Hughes
Lisa has lobbied for the school curriculum to include workshops about ‘honour’ based violence, forced marriage and Female Genital Mutilation so that older pupils learn about the help that is available, should they be worried that they or their friends could be at risk. She agreed to help promote the program across the country and became Schools Ambassador for IKWRO’s Right To Know campaign.

On record in the Enfield Independent Newspaper Lisa said, “I wanted to raise awareness for the amazing work that the organisation does and help young people to be aware of this crucial information. It’s vital that every young person in this country has the right to be taught about such matters and to know that their school staff understand how best to protect and support them.”