Our Beavers, Cubs and Scouts meet weekly during term times. We are an inclusive group and welcome both boys and girls.
Beavers/Cubs meet on Tuesday evening 18.00 – 19.00 in term time, there are opportunities for all kinds of activities ranging from games, outdoor pursuits in the summer and craft activities, leading to activity and challenge badges.
Cubs meet Fridays 18:15 – 19:45 in term time, cubs are divided into sixes, play games where they learn how to be a team player, earn activity badges that cover a wide spectrum of interests.
Scouts meet Fridays 20.00 – 21.30, enjoying games, activities, and work towards gaining different badges.
During the colder weather we meet at the church but during the better weather are lucky to have a field we can meet up in for outside activities.
We take part in district activities like swimming galas and sports days. We hold two camps a year with the Scouts – a parent and child weekend and a week camp for children only during the summer holiday. At the end of the summer term the Group holds a BBQ for children in the Beavers, Cubs & Scouts along with their parents and siblings.
During the year we also take part in fundraising activities. Our annual Fireworks event in November is now well established in the area as a wonderful event, and we sell out extremely quickly.
For further information please visit our website: or email Jayne Poole, Group Scout Leader, Jayne Poole